The DMW Journey

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a powerful medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. HBOT has been shown to accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall wellness. Due to the medical nature of HBOT, a signed physician referral is required to begin treatment.

    Step 1: Obtaining Physician Referral

    For individuals of all ages interested in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) and have been recommended this treatment by their physician, it is essential to bring a written referral. This referral should detail the reason for HBOT, recommended protocol and any pertinent health information to ensure the therapy's safety and effectiveness tailored to your specific needs. If you do not have one please follow on to step two of your journey by scheduling a consultation with our nurse practitioner.

    Step 2: Consultation with Our Nurse Practitioner

    We ask that you start with a consultation with our in-house Nurse Practitioner is required before starting HBOT. This step is crucial to review your medical history, discuss the potential benefits of HBOT for your specific condition, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

    Consultation Fee: The fee for this comprehensive consultation is $100. This fee covers the evaluation of your medical history, assessment of your suitability for HBOT, and the development of a personalized protocol..

    Step 3: Personalized Treatment Plan

    Treatment Plan Development: Based on the consultation and your doctor's referral, our Nurse Practitioner will develop a personalized HBOT treatment plan tailored to your health needs. This plan will outline the recommended number of sessions, session length, and any specific protocols to follow.

    Step 4: Starting Your HBOT Journey

    Scheduling Sessions: Once your personalized protocol is established, our team will assist you in scheduling your HBOT sessions. Our state-of-the-art hyperbaric chambers are designed for comfort and safety, and our trained staff will be with you every step of the way to ensure a positive and effective therapy experience.

    Step 5: Ongoing Support and Assessment

    Monitoring Progress: Throughout your HBOT treatment, our team will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. We are committed to providing ongoing support to help you achieve the best possible outcomes.

    Why Choose Us for Your HBOT Needs?

    At our facility, we prioritize your safety, personalized care, and the highest standards of practice. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring that your HBOT experience is comfortable, effective, and tailored to meet your unique health goals.

    By following our patient process, we ensure that every individual receives the utmost care and attention, maximizing the benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. If you have any further questions or are ready to start your HBOT journey, please contact us to schedule your consultation with our Nurse Practitioner.


  • HBOT helps healing by bringing oxygen-rich plasma to tissue starved for oxygen. Injuries damage the body's blood vessels, which release fluid that leaks into the tissues and causes swelling. This swelling deprives the damaged cells of oxygen, and tissue starts to die. HBOT reduces swelling while flooding the tissues with oxygen. The higher pressure in the chamber increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. HBOT aims to break the cycle of swelling, oxygen starvation, and tissue death.

    HBOT helps block the action of harmful bacteria and strengthens the body's immune system. HBOT can disable the toxins of certain bacteria. It also increases oxygen concentration in the tissues. This helps them resist infection. In addition, the therapy improves the ability of white blood cells to find and destroy invaders.

    HBOT encourages the formation of new collagen and new skin cells. It does so by encouraging new blood vessels to grow. It also stimulates cells to produce certain substances, like vascular endothelial growth factor. These attract and stimulate endothelial cells needed for healing.

  • A prescription is needed in order to treat. Ensure you have a prescription from your provider, or schedule a consultation with our provider for a treatment protocol tailored to your health needs.

    No electronics allowed inside the chamber. The chamber you are treating in will have a designated place for your to store your electronic devices. It is encouraged that you bring a book or some kind of activity book with you. We also have a library with a large selection of books to choose from, including material on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

    You'll relax in an atmosphere-controlled chamber that allows freedom of movement. Due to the rapid change in pressure, temperature inside the chamber will increase and decrease. It recommended you bring regular clothes with a warm sweater or jacket. A blanket is also provided for your comfort.

  • Something comfortable that is loose-fitting and cozy. We do ask, though, that you refrain from wearing scented perfumes, oils, lotions and heavy jewelry.

  • The number of treatments varies based on your specific condition and your body's response to HBOT. Some cases of wound healing may require up to 40 treatments, while others may be resolved in fewer than 20 sessions. For personalized treatment recommendations, it's best to consult with a provider familiar with HBOT.

  • The majority of indications for HBOT are not covered by insurance, and treatment costs are typically out-of-pocket expenses. However, we can provide a super bill for you to file a reimbursement claim.

    There are 14 approved indications for HBOT coverage, including acute carbon monoxide intoxication, decompression illness, gas embolism, gas gangrene, acute traumatic peripheral ischemia, and others. These indications are covered when used as adjunctive treatment in combination with accepted standard therapeutic measures in situations where loss of function, limb, or life is threatened.

PEMF Therapy

  • PEMF therapy, or Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy, is a non-invasive treatment modality that utilizes electromagnetic fields to stimulate cellular repair and promote overall wellness. This therapy involves the application of electromagnetic pulses to targeted areas of the body, which penetrates deep into the tissues, stimulating cellular activity.

    Overall, PEMF therapy is designed to optimize cellular function, enhance overall well-being, and promote healing in a variety of conditions, ranging from musculoskeletal injuries to chronic pain management.

  • PEMF therapy works by inducing electrical changes within cells, which can help restore normal cellular function and improve the body's ability to heal itself. These electromagnetic pulses can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and support the body's natural healing processes.

  • The experience of PEMF therapy can vary depending on the specific device used and the individual's sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Here's a comparison between ours the milder experience with an Align mat and the potentially more intense experience with a Pulse PEMF system:

    Align Mat (Mild):

    Users typically describe the sensation of PEMF therapy on a mild device like the Align mat as gentle and soothing.

    You may feel a subtle pulsing or tingling sensation in the area being treated, but it is usually very mild and not uncomfortable.

    The Align mat is designed to provide low-intensity PEMF therapy, which is often perceived as relaxing and calming.

    Many people find the experience similar to a gentle massage or the feeling of being enveloped in a soft, comforting energy field.

    Pulse PEMF System (More Intense):

    A Pulse PEMF system may deliver more intense electromagnetic pulses compared to a mild device like the Align mat.

    Users may feel stronger sensations of pulsing or tingling, and the treatment may be perceived as more energetic or invigorating.

    Some individuals may experience a warming sensation in the treated area, especially with higher-intensity PEMF systems.

    The sensation can vary depending on the settings and intensity levels chosen for the treatment.

    While still generally comfortable, the experience with a Pulse PEMF system may be more noticeable and impactful compared to milder devices.

    Overall, the sensation of PEMF therapy can range from subtle and relaxing to more pronounced and invigorating, depending on the device used and individual preferences.

  • PEMF therapy offers a wide range of potential benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Some of the key benefits include:

    Pain Relief: PEMF therapy has been shown to help alleviate various types of pain, including chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain. It can also aid in reducing acute pain from injuries and surgeries.

    Inflammation Reduction: PEMF therapy has anti-inflammatory effects, helping to decrease inflammation in the body. This can be beneficial for conditions characterized by inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis.

    Improved Circulation: PEMF therapy can enhance blood flow and circulation, which promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. Improved circulation can aid in healing processes and support overall cardiovascular health.

    Enhanced Recovery: Athletes and individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries may benefit from PEMF therapy to accelerate the healing process, reduce recovery time, and enhance tissue regeneration.

    Muscle Relaxation: PEMF therapy can help relax muscles and reduce muscle tension, making it beneficial for relieving muscle soreness, spasms, and stiffness.

    Bone Health: PEMF therapy has been shown to support bone health and density, making it useful for conditions such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. It can also aid in fracture healing and bone repair.

    Stress Reduction: PEMF therapy has calming effects on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety levels. It can help improve sleep quality and overall mood.

    Immune System Support: PEMF therapy can enhance immune system function by stimulating the production of immune cells and promoting detoxification processes in the body.

    Cellular Function Optimization: PEMF therapy works at the cellular level to optimize cellular function, including metabolism, energy production, and detoxification. This can support overall health and vitality.

    Brain Health: PEMF therapy may have cognitive benefits, including improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity. It has also shown promise in supporting brain health and function in conditions such as depression and cognitive decline.

    Overall, PEMF therapy offers a non-invasive, drug-free approach to promoting health and well-being, with potential benefits for a wide range of conditions and individuals of all ages. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting PEMF therapy, especially if you have any underlying health concerns or conditions.

  • There are several reasons why you might consider incorporating PEMF therapy into your wellness routine:

    Pain Management: If you experience chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, or injuries, PEMF therapy can help alleviate discomfort and improve your quality of life.

    Faster Recovery: Whether you're an athlete recovering from intense training sessions or someone recuperating from surgery, PEMF therapy can accelerate the healing process and get you back to feeling your best sooner.

    Improved Mobility: If stiffness or reduced mobility due to conditions like osteoarthritis or injury is impacting your daily life, PEMF therapy can help relax muscles, reduce inflammation, and increase range of motion.

    Enhanced Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can benefit from PEMF therapy to optimize performance, recover more quickly between workouts, and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.

    Stress Reduction: PEMF therapy has calming effects on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety levels. Incorporating PEMF sessions into your routine can help you manage stress more effectively.

    Better Sleep: If you struggle with sleep issues, PEMF therapy can help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, allowing you to wake up feeling more rested and refreshed.

    Overall Wellness: Even if you're generally healthy, PEMF therapy can support your overall well-being by optimizing cellular function, boosting circulation, and enhancing immune system function.

    Long-Term Health: By incorporating PEMF therapy into your wellness routine, you're investing in your long-term health and vitality. Regular sessions can help prevent illness, support healthy aging, and promote longevity.

    Ultimately, whether you're looking to manage pain, recover from injury, improve performance, or simply enhance your overall well-being, PEMF therapy offers a safe, non-invasive, and effective option to support your health goals. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if PEMF therapy is appropriate for your specific needs and circumstances.


  • Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a form of light therapy that utilizes red or near-infrared (NIR) light to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying. One of the primary mechanisms by which PBM achieves its effects is through the absorption of light by mitochondrial chromophores, specifically cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), which is part of the electron transport chain in mitochondria. This absorption of light leads to an increase in mitochondrial efficiency and production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of the cell, along with a brief burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and an increase in nitric oxide (NO) production. These effects, in turn, lead to various biological responses including:

    Enhanced Cell Proliferation and Differentiation: Stimulating the growth and repair of tissues.

    Increased Blood Flow: Due to the release of NO, PBM can enhance blood circulation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues.

    Reduced Inflammation: PBM can decrease inflammatory markers and cytokines, leading to a reduction in swelling and pain.

    Pain Reduction: By modulating biochemical processes, PBM can effectively reduce pain in various conditions.

    Enhanced Tissue Repair and Wound Healing: Accelerating the healing process of injuries, wounds, and infections.

    Neuroprotection: Beneficial effects on nerve cells, which can help in conditions like traumatic brain injury, stroke, and degenerative brain diseases.

    PBM can be applied through various devices, including lasers and LED lights, directly to the skin or through the nasal cavity for intracranial effects. The parameters of PBM (wavelength, power density, pulse structure, timing, and duration of therapy) are crucial and vary depending on the condition being treated and the desired outcome.

    The use of PBM spans a wide range of medical fields, including physiotherapy for muscle recovery and pain management, dermatology for skin rejuvenation and healing, dentistry for reducing inflammation and promoting healing post-surgery, and even in neurology and psychiatry for treating brain disorders. Despite its broad applications, the effectiveness and mechanisms of PBM are still being researched, with a growing body of evidence supporting its benefits for various health conditions.

  • Here are some of the key benefits associated with photobiomodulation:

    1. Enhanced Wound Healing

    PBM can accelerate the healing process of wounds by promoting cell proliferation, migration, and adhesion. It enhances the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and increases collagen production, which are crucial for the repair and regeneration of damaged tissues.

    2. Pain Reduction

    Light therapy has been shown to effectively reduce pain in conditions such as chronic low back pain, neck pain, and arthritis. It can modulate pain by reducing inflammation, blocking pain transmission to the brain, and decreasing nerve sensitivity.

    3. Inflammation Reduction

    PBM can lower the levels of inflammatory markers and reduce oxidative stress, leading to a decrease in swelling and inflammation. This is beneficial in treating inflammatory conditions like tendinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory skin conditions.

    4. Improved Muscle Recovery and Performance

    Athletes and physically active individuals use PBM to enhance muscle recovery following exercise. It can reduce muscle fatigue, alleviate soreness, and increase muscle mass and strength when used as part of a training program.

    5. Neuroprotective Effects

    Research indicates that PBM can have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions such as traumatic brain injury, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. It may help in restoring normal brain function and enhancing neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons).

    6. Skin Rejuvenation

    PBM is widely used in dermatology for its anti-aging effects. It can improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles, and increase collagen production, leading to healthier and more youthful-looking skin.

    7. Enhanced Circulation

    By increasing the formation of new capillaries, PBM can improve blood flow, ensuring that more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to tissues. This is beneficial for healing and overall cellular health.

    8. Immune System Boost

    Light therapy can enhance the immune response by increasing the production of immune cells and improving their function, which helps the body in fighting infections and diseases more effectively.

    9. Mood and Sleep Improvement

    Exposure to specific wavelengths of light, especially in the morning, can help regulate circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and mood. This is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or sleep disorders.

    10. Tissue Regeneration

    PBM can stimulate the regeneration of various tissues, including nerves, muscle, bone, and tendons, by enhancing cell proliferation and differentiation. This makes it a valuable tool in rehabilitative medicine.

  • The ARRC LED light bed is a type of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy device that uses a combination of red and near-infrared (NIR) light to stimulate healing, reduce inflammation, and promote overall wellness. Experiencing a session in an ARRC LED light bed can be both relaxing and rejuvenating, with the potential for various health benefits due to the therapeutic effects of light therapy. Here's what you can typically expect during a session:

    Before the Session

    Consultation: Depending on the setting, you might have a consultation with a practitioner who will explain the process, discuss your health goals, and determine if there are any contraindications.

    Preparation: You'll be asked to remove clothing from the areas you want to treat to allow the light to directly reach your skin. Protective eyewear may be provided to shield your eyes from the bright light.

    During the Session

    Comfort and Relaxation: You'll lie down on the ARRC LED light bed, similar to a tanning bed, but instead of UV rays, it emits therapeutic red and NIR light. The bed is designed for comfort, and you'll likely find the session to be a peaceful time to relax.

    Exposure to Light: The session typically lasts between 10 to 20 minutes. During this time, you'll be exposed to red and NIR light, which penetrates the skin and tissues to exert its effects at the cellular level.

    Sensations: Most people do not feel any discomfort during the session. You may feel a gentle warmth as the light interacts with your body, which is generally found to be pleasant.

    After the Session

    Immediate Aftereffects: Right after the session, you might feel more relaxed or rejuvenated. Some people report a sense of calmness or an energy boost.

    Long-Term Benefits: While some effects can be felt immediately, the benefits of PBM, such as reduced inflammation, improved skin health, enhanced muscle recovery, and pain reduction, generally accumulate over multiple sessions.

    No Downtime: There's no downtime after a session in the ARRC LED light bed, and you can return to your daily activities immediately.

    Safety and Considerations

    Safety: PBM therapy is considered safe for most people. However, it's important to follow the guidelines provided by the practitioner and use the equipment as directed.

    Contraindications: Certain conditions, such as photosensitivity or pregnancy, may require caution or avoidance of PBM therapy. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting new treatments.

    Optimizing Your Experience

    Hydration: Being well-hydrated may enhance the effects of PBM therapy, so it's a good idea to drink water before and after your session.

    Consistency: Regular sessions may be necessary to achieve and maintain optimal results, depending on your health goals.

    Each person's experience with the ARRC LED light bed can vary based on individual health conditions, the specific goals of therapy, and personal sensitivity to light therapy.

  • Targeted light therapy, also known as localized or focused phototherapy, is a treatment method that applies light of specific wavelengths directly to particular areas of the body to treat various conditions. Unlike full-body light therapy treatments that expose large areas or the entire body to light, targeted light therapy concentrates the therapeutic light on specific regions needing treatment. This approach allows for more precise, effective, and efficient therapy for a range of medical and cosmetic issues. Here are some key aspects of targeted light therapy:

    Types of Light Used

    Red Light: Often used for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, red light can penetrate the skin to a certain depth, making it suitable for treating muscle pain, wounds, scars, and skin issues.

    Near-Infrared (NIR) Light: With deeper penetration than red light, NIR light can reach deeper tissues, muscles, and even bone, making it effective for pain relief, reducing inflammation, and enhancing tissue repair.

    Blue Light: Primarily used for its antibacterial effects, particularly against acne-causing bacteria. It's also used for treating skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

    Green Light: Known for its calming effects, green light therapy is used to treat migraines and certain skin conditions, including reducing pigmentation and dark circles.


    Medical Treatments: Targeted light therapy is used to treat localized pain, inflammation, skin diseases (like psoriasis, eczema, and acne), wound healing, and localized infections.

    Cosmetic Treatments: It's used for skin rejuvenation, reducing wrinkles, treating hyperpigmentation, and improving skin tone and texture.

    Sports Medicine: Athletes use targeted light therapy for specific injuries or muscle soreness to accelerate recovery and enhance muscle performance.

    Advantages of Targeted Light Therapy

    Precision: By focusing on specific areas, targeted light therapy ensures that the therapeutic effects are concentrated where they are most needed, potentially leading to quicker and more effective outcomes.

    Customization: Treatment can be tailored to the exact needs of the patient, considering the condition's severity, skin type, and other individual factors.

    Versatility: Different wavelengths can be used in targeted therapy, allowing for a wide range of conditions to be treated with a single device by simply changing the light source or settings.

    Safety: Targeted light therapy is non-invasive and considered safe for most people, with minimal side effects. It's a suitable option for those looking for alternatives to medications or invasive procedures.

  • Light therapy (photobiomodulation) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) are distinct treatment modalities, but they share a common goal: to enhance the body's natural healing processes and improve overall health. While they operate through different mechanisms, both can be used complementarily in various medical and therapeutic settings to synergize their benefits. Here's how they relate and potentially complement each other:

    Mechanisms of Action:

    Light Therapy: Utilizes specific wavelengths of light (including red and near-infrared) to stimulate cellular function, enhance energy production (ATP) in mitochondria, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. It's effective for a range of conditions, including wound healing, muscle recovery, pain reduction, and skin issues.

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, which significantly increases the amount of oxygen in the blood and, consequently, the amount delivered to tissues. This enhanced oxygen level can accelerate healing, fight infection, and reduce inflammation by stimulating the release of growth factors and stem cells.

    Complementary Effects

    Enhanced Healing and Recovery: Both therapies can accelerate the healing process. Light therapy does so by improving cellular function and reducing inflammation, while HBOT increases oxygen supply to tissues, which is essential for repair and regeneration. When used together, they can potentially speed up recovery from injuries, surgeries, and wounds.

    Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation is a common target of both treatments. Light therapy reduces inflammation at the cellular level by modulating the inflammatory process, while HBOT can reduce swelling and inflammation through increased oxygenation, which can also inhibit anaerobic bacterial growth.

    Pain Management: Both modalities offer pain relief benefits. Light therapy can alleviate pain by reducing inflammation and stimulating circulation. HBOT can also relieve pain by enhancing oxygen delivery to ischemic tissues, reducing edema, and helping to heal underlying conditions causing pain.

    Improved Circulation and Angiogenesis: Light therapy can enhance microcirculation and the formation of new capillaries (angiogenesis) by stimulating the release of nitric oxide. HBOT promotes angiogenesis by increasing oxygen levels, which stimulate the production of vascular growth factors. Together, they can improve blood flow and oxygenation to damaged areas, supporting tissue repair and health.

    Synergistic Use

    In some therapeutic and clinical settings, practitioners might combine light therapy and HBOT to leverage their synergistic effects. For example, in wound care, combining increased oxygenation (through HBOT) with enhanced cellular function and reduced inflammation (through light therapy) can lead to more efficient healing. Similarly, in sports medicine, this combination might be used to speed up recovery from muscle injuries.


    While combining these therapies can offer enhanced benefits, it's essential to consult healthcare professionals experienced in both modalities. The specific conditions being treated, the patient's overall health, and the timing and sequencing of treatments should be carefully considered to maximize benefits and minimize any risks.

    In summary, while light therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy operate through different mechanisms, their complementary effects on healing, inflammation, pain management, and circulation make them a powerful duo in enhancing health and recovery in various medical and therapeutic contexts.


  • The NanoVi device represents a cutting-edge approach in the realm of wellness and recovery, leveraging the latest advances in biophysics and water science to enhance protein functions essential for health and vitality.

    The versatility of the NanoVi device makes it suitable for a wide range of users:

    Performance E:nhancement By aiding in the repair of oxidative stress damage, NanoVi supports recovery and resilience.

    Wellness Maintenance: It slows the aging process by accelerating cellular repair.

    Accelerated Recovery: NanoVi aids in the swift repair of cellular damage, useful in both acute and chronic conditions.

  • Proven Benefits of NanoVi Technology

    Research highlights several key benefits of using NanoVi:

    Restoration of Protein Activity: NanoVi helps restore protein function impaired by heat, chemicals, or oxidative stress.

    Protection Against Damage: It offers a protective shield for proteins against further damage.

    Immune and Antioxidant Support: The technology strengthens the body's immune response and bolsters antioxidant defenses.

    DNA Integrity: NanoVi is shown to reduce double-strand DNA breaks, enhancing cellular integrity and function.

  • Oxidative stress is a pervasive issue, resulting from both natural bodily processes and lifestyle choices. The air we breathe, for instance, can contribute to oxidative damage. This stress primarily affects proteins, the workhorses within our bodies responsible for repair and maintenance. When proteins are damaged, they lose functionality, leading to decreased performance, vitality, aging signs, and potentially chronic illnesses.

    NanoVi technology directly addresses the challenge of protein damage by influencing the properties of the water surrounding proteins. This is crucial because proteins need to fold into precise three-dimensional shapes to function correctly, a process heavily influenced by their aqueous environment. By optimizing the condition of this surrounding water, NanoVi aids in the correct folding and functioning of proteins. This method of enhancing protein functions is unique to NanoVi and is supported by scientific research, including placebo-controlled studies.

  • Choosing to use the NanoVi device could be beneficial for several reasons, particularly if you're interested in improving your overall health, enhancing physical performance, accelerating recovery processes, or mitigating the effects of aging. Here's a breakdown of why you might consider incorporating NanoVi into your wellness routine:

    1. Enhancing Cellular Repair and Recovery

    Accelerated Recovery: NanoVi is designed to speed up the body's natural repair mechanisms by supporting proper protein function, which is crucial for cellular repair. This can be particularly beneficial after physical exertion, injury, or surgery, potentially reducing recovery times.

    2. Improving Performance

    Boost in Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts may find NanoVi appealing for its potential to enhance physical performance. By aiding in the faster recovery of cells from oxidative stress, it can contribute to improved resilience and endurance, enabling more intense and frequent training sessions.

    3. Supporting Overall Wellness

    Aging and Vitality: NanoVi's approach to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing cellular function can also support overall wellness. It may help slow down certain aging processes by protecting cells from damage and supporting their repair, contributing to better vitality and health.

    4. Strengthening Immune Response

    Immune System Support: By promoting the efficient functioning of proteins, NanoVi can also bolster the immune system. A stronger immune response means better defense against pathogens and potentially quicker recovery from illnesses.

    5. Reducing Oxidative Stress

    Oxidative Stress Mitigation: Given that oxidative stress is linked to numerous health issues, including chronic inflammation, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases, using NanoVi to mitigate these effects can be a proactive step towards maintaining long-term health.

    6. Scientifically Backed Approach

    Research-Supported: The technology behind NanoVi is supported by research, including placebo-controlled studies that indicate its effectiveness in restoring protein activity, protecting against damage, and reducing DNA breaks. This scientific foundation may offer reassurance to those considering its use.

    7. Non-Invasive and Easy to Use

    Convenience and Safety: NanoVi's non-invasive nature makes it an attractive option for individuals looking for safe and easy-to-use health technologies. It can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine without significant disruption or discomfort.

  • A NanoVi session is designed to be a relaxing and non-invasive experience, focusing on enhancing cellular activity and promoting recovery without discomfort. Here's what you can typically expect during a NanoVi session in terms of setup, process, and sensations:

    Preparing for the Session:

    Environment: NanoVi sessions are usually conducted in a comfortable, quiet setting. The device itself is compact and can be placed on a table or a similar surface near the user.

    Preparation: No special preparation is required from the user. You can be seated or in any comfortable position. The only requirement is to have access to the device's output, which is a stream of humidified air.

    The Session Process:

    Duration: A typical NanoVi session on the Desert Moon Professional is 30 minutes.

    Inhalation: During the session, you'll inhale air moistened by the NanoVi device through a nasal cannula (a lightweight, flexible tube with two prongs that fit just inside your nostrils) or directly from the device. This air carries the bio-identical signals intended to enhance cellular repair and recovery.

    Activity: You can relax, read, or engage in other sedentary activities during the session. The key is to remain close enough to the device to continue inhaling the treated air.

    Sensations and Feelings:

    Physical Sensations: Most users do not report any immediate physical sensations during a NanoVi session. The process is gentle, with the moist air being easy to breathe and not significantly different from normal air in terms of temperature or smell.

    After the Session: While immediate effects might not be noticeable, over time, users may experience improved energy levels, better recovery from physical exertion, a sense of increased well-being, and possibly improved cognitive function. The benefits are often cumulative, becoming more noticeable with regular use.

    Overall Experience:

    Relaxing and Non-Invasive: The session is designed to be a quiet time for relaxation or personal activity, without any invasive procedures or discomfort.

    Integrative: Many users incorporate NanoVi sessions into their broader health and wellness routines, combining them with other therapies, exercises, or wellness practices.

    Post-Session Considerations:

    After a NanoVi session, there are no specific requirements or restrictions. You can immediately return to your daily activities, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules or those integrating the sessions into a comprehensive wellness plan.

IV Therapy

  • Intravenous (IV) therapy is a medical technique that delivers fluids, vitamins, minerals, and medications directly into the bloodstream. By bypassing the digestive system, IV therapy ensures 100% absorption of the nutrients, providing immediate benefits. It's used for hydration, boosting immune function, enhancing energy levels, and supporting recovery from illness or physical exertion.

  • IV (intravenous) therapy offers a range of benefits, primarily due to its method of delivering vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and sometimes medications directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for full absorption. Here are some of the key benefits associated with IV therapy:

    1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

    Bypassing the gastrointestinal tract allows for 100% absorption of nutrients, making them immediately available to your cells. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with malabsorption issues or those who need higher nutrient doses than what oral supplementation can provide.

    2. Rapid Hydration

    IV therapy quickly replenishes fluids, making it an efficient way to treat dehydration from various causes, including hangovers, intense exercise, or illness.

    3. Boosted Immune Function

    By delivering high doses of vitamins and antioxidants, like vitamin C and zinc, directly into the bloodstream, IV therapy can strengthen the immune system, helping to prevent illness or speed up recovery.

    4. Increased Energy Levels

    Ingredients such as B vitamins included in IV therapy formulations can significantly boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve overall well-being.

    5. Improved Skin Health

    Antioxidants like glutathione, delivered via IV, can detoxify the body and improve skin clarity, elasticity, and overall appearance, contributing to a more youthful and radiant complexion.

    6. Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery

    IV therapy can alleviate symptoms of conditions like migraines and muscle soreness by providing anti-inflammatory medications and nutrients that support muscle recovery and pain relief.

    7. Detoxification

    Certain IV therapy formulations are designed to help remove toxins from the bloodstream, supporting liver function and overall detoxification processes.

    8. Mood Enhancement

    Nutrients such as magnesium and B vitamins can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, contributing to better mental health.

    9. Support During Illness

    For people suffering from colds, flu, or other viral infections, IV therapy can deliver high doses of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system and reduce the duration of illness.

    10. Customized Treatments

    IV therapy can be tailored to meet individual health needs, allowing for personalized treatment plans that address specific deficiencies, health conditions, or wellness goals.

  • Absolutely. IV therapy can be an excellent adjunct to physical therapy or sports medicine by rapidly replenishing fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients lost during physical activity or injury. This can help reduce recovery time, decrease muscle soreness, and enhance athletic performance. When used in conjunction with targeted physical therapy or rehabilitation exercises, patients can experience improved outcomes and quicker returns to their activities.

  • IV therapy can enhance the benefits of HBOT by supplying the body with nutrients that optimize oxygen utilization. For example, certain vitamins and minerals can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues. When combined with the increased oxygen availability from HBOT, this can accelerate healing processes, reduce inflammation, and improve energy levels more effectively than either modality alone.

NAD+ IV Therapy

  • NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, a critical coenzyme found in every cell of the body that plays a vital role in energy metabolism and cellular functions. It exists in two forms: NAD+ (oxidized form) and NADH (reduced form), with the balance between these two forms being essential for various metabolic processes. Here's a closer look at NAD+ and its functions:

    Role of NAD+

    Energy Metabolism: NAD+ is crucial for converting food into energy. It acts as a carrier for electrons in the metabolic reactions that generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of the cell.

    DNA Repair: NAD+ is involved in repairing damaged DNA. It activates enzymes called PARPs (poly ADP-ribose polymerases), which play a key role in detecting and repairing damaged DNA strands.

    Gene Expression: NAD+ influences gene expression by affecting the activity of sirtuins, a family of proteins involved in aging and longevity. Sirtuins regulate various cellular processes, including DNA repair, inflammation, and stress resistance, by deacetylating proteins.

    Calcium Signaling: NAD+ participates in calcium signaling processes, which are important for cellular communication and various cellular functions, including muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release.

    Oxidative Stress Reduction: NAD+ helps combat oxidative stress by facilitating the action of enzymes involved in antioxidant defenses, thus protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals.

    How NAD+ Works

    Metabolic Reactions: In metabolic reactions, NAD+ accepts electrons from food molecules, becoming NADH. This process is part of the electron transport chain, a series of reactions that generate ATP in mitochondria.

    Activation of Enzymes: NAD+ activates sirtuins and PARPs, which require NAD+ to function. By doing so, it directly influences cellular repair mechanisms, stress responses, and longevity pathways.

    Redox Reactions: The interconversion between NAD+ and NADH is a key part of redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions in the body, maintaining cellular redox balance and supporting energy metabolism.

    NAD+ and Aging

    Levels of NAD+ naturally decline with age, leading to a decrease in metabolic efficiency, increased oxidative stress, and impaired mitochondrial function. This decline is associated with aging and various age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic conditions.

    Boosting NAD+ Levels

    Dietary Supplements: Supplements like nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) are precursors to NAD+ and can help boost its levels in the body.

    IV Therapy: Direct IV infusions of NAD+ are used to rapidly increase NAD+ levels, potentially offering benefits such as improved energy levels, better cognitive function, and enhanced recovery from addiction and chronic conditions.

    Lifestyle Factors: Diet, exercise, and intermittent fasting have been shown to influence NAD+ levels positively, supporting overall health and longevity.

    In summary, NAD+ is a fundamental component of cellular metabolism, DNA repair, and overall cellular health. Its role in aging and disease has made it a target for therapies aimed at increasing NAD+ levels to improve health outcomes and potentially extend lifespan.

  • NAD+ IV therapy, which involves the direct infusion of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide into the bloodstream, has garnered attention for its potential to offer a wide range of health and wellness benefits. By bypassing the digestive system and delivering NAD+ directly to cells, this therapy aims to rapidly replenish cellular levels of this crucial coenzyme. Here are some of the key benefits associated with NAD+ IV therapy:

    1. Enhanced Energy Metabolism

    Direct Impact: NAD+ plays a critical role in converting food into energy. Replenishing NAD+ levels can help optimize energy metabolism, potentially leading to increased energy levels and improved overall vitality.

    2. Improved Cellular Repair and DNA Protection

    Mechanism: NAD+ is essential for the activation of PARP enzymes, which repair damaged DNA. Increasing NAD+ levels may enhance the body's ability to repair cellular damage and protect against genetic mutations that can lead to diseases.

    3. Support for Neurological Health

    Benefits: NAD+ has been shown to support brain health by maintaining neuronal function and protecting against neurodegenerative diseases. It can improve cognitive function, memory, and focus by boosting neuronal energy levels and facilitating repair mechanisms.

    4. Anti-Aging Effects

    Longevity: By activating sirtuins, proteins associated with longevity, NAD+ IV therapy may slow down aspects of the aging process, potentially leading to healthier aging and an increase in lifespan.

    5. Improved Mental Clarity and Psychological Well-being

    Cognitive Benefits: Patients often report enhanced mental clarity, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improved overall psychological well-being following NAD+ IV therapy. This could be due to improved cellular health and energy metabolism in the brain.

    6. Detoxification and Recovery from Substance Abuse

    Addiction Recovery: NAD+ IV therapy has been used as part of detoxification protocols, helping to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings in individuals recovering from substance abuse. It supports the body's natural detoxification processes and can aid in the restoration of neurochemical balance.

    7. Enhanced Physical Performance and Muscle Function

    Athletic Performance: By improving energy metabolism and reducing inflammation, NAD+ IV therapy can enhance physical performance, endurance, and recovery after intense exercise.

    8. Support for Metabolic Functions

    Metabolic Health: NAD+ is involved in key metabolic pathways. Boosting its levels can support healthy metabolism, potentially aiding in weight management and reducing the risk of metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

    9. Reduction in Oxidative Stress

    Antioxidant Support: NAD+ helps maintain the balance of NADH and supports the function of antioxidant enzymes, reducing oxidative stress and cellular damage.

    10. Improved Cardiovascular Health

    Heart Health: NAD+ contributes to the maintenance of healthy endothelial function and supports the heart's energy needs, potentially reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    Considerations and Safety

    While NAD+ IV therapy offers promising benefits, it's essential to approach it under the guidance of healthcare professionals experienced in administering IV therapies. The therapy should be tailored to individual health needs and conditions, considering potential interactions and contraindications. Moreover, as with any medical treatment, the effectiveness and experience of NAD+ IV therapy can vary from person to person.

  • The experience of NAD+ IV therapy can vary from person to person, influenced by individual health status, the dosage of NAD+, and the infusion rate. Here's a general overview of what one might feel during and after an NAD+ IV therapy session:

    During the Session

    Initial Sensations: As the NAD+ starts to infuse, some individuals report feeling a slight chest tightness or shortness of breath, which typically subsides when the infusion rate is adjusted. It's important to communicate any discomfort to the administering healthcare provider immediately.

    Flushing or Warmth: A warm sensation or flushing is another common experience, akin to the feeling of niacin (vitamin B3) supplementation, since NAD+ is a derivative of niacin.

    Mild Discomfort: Some people might experience mild discomfort, including headache, nausea, or fatigue, during the infusion. These symptoms are usually transient and can often be mitigated by adjusting the infusion speed.

    Relaxation: Despite the initial discomforts that some may experience, many individuals find the therapy session to be a time of relaxation and reflection, especially as the body begins to adjust to the infusion.

    After the Session:

    Energy Levels: Post-therapy, many report a significant increase in energy levels and overall vitality, which may not be immediate but can build up in the days following the treatment.

    Improved Mental Clarity:

    Enhancements in mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function are commonly reported benefits that can occur shortly after the session and may continue to improve with subsequent treatments.

    Better Mood: Some individuals notice improvements in their mood, with reductions in symptoms of depression or anxiety, contributing to a general sense of well-being.

    Enhanced Physical Performance: Those who seek NAD+ therapy for athletic performance or recovery often report faster muscle recovery, increased physical stamina, and overall improved performance.

    Sleep Quality: Improvements in sleep quality and patterns are noted by some, likely due to the overall increase in cellular health and function.

    Long-Term Benefits: While short-term effects can be profound for some, the long-term benefits of regular NAD+ IV therapy sessions might include sustained energy levels, delayed aging effects, and enhanced resilience against diseases.

    Important Considerations

    Duration and Frequency: NAD+ IV therapy sessions can last anywhere from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the protocol and individual tolerance. The frequency and total number of sessions depend on individual health goals and responses to therapy.

    Communication: It's crucial to maintain open communication with the healthcare provider administering the therapy to ensure any discomfort is promptly addressed and the infusion rate is adjusted for comfort.

    Personal Variation: Responses to NAD+ IV therapy can be highly individualized. Factors like underlying health conditions, lifestyle, and the specific reasons for seeking therapy (e.g., recovery from substance abuse, enhancement of cognitive function, anti-aging) can influence outcomes and experiences.

    Given the variability in experiences and the potential for mild side effects, it's essential to undergo NAD+ IV therapy under the supervision of experienced medical professionals who can tailor the treatment to individual needs and monitor for any adverse reactions.

  • NAD+ IV therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals, particularly those looking to improve their overall health, enhance physical and cognitive performance, support aging gracefully, or recover from certain health conditions. Here's a closer look at who might consider NAD+ IV therapy:

    1. Individuals Seeking Anti-Aging Benefits

    Those interested in delaying aging signs and improving longevity may benefit from NAD+ IV therapy. NAD+ levels decline with age, and replenishing these levels can help improve cellular function and vitality.

    2. Athletes and Physically Active Individuals

    NAD+ IV therapy can support faster recovery from workouts, reduce muscle fatigue, and enhance physical performance by improving energy metabolism and reducing inflammation.

    3. People with Chronic Fatigue or Low Energy Levels

    Individuals experiencing chronic fatigue, lethargy, or burnout may find NAD+ IV therapy helpful in boosting their energy levels and overall sense of well-being.

    4. Those Seeking Cognitive Enhancement

    NAD+ IV therapy can improve brain function, enhance mental clarity, focus, and cognitive performance, making it attractive to individuals looking to boost their productivity or combat cognitive decline.

    5. Individuals Recovering from Addiction

    NAD+ has been used in detoxification protocols to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, supporting recovery from substance abuse by replenishing brain nutrients and improving neurological function.

    6. Patients with Certain Health Conditions

    People suffering from conditions associated with mitochondrial dysfunction or oxidative stress, such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, or certain neurodegenerative diseases, may benefit from the cellular energy boost and antioxidant effects of NAD+ IV therapy.

    7. Those Interested in Detoxification and Wellness

    NAD+ IV therapy can support the body’s natural detoxification processes, enhance immune function, and contribute to overall wellness.

Compression Therapy

  • Intermittent, dynamic pneumatic compression is a proven way of improving blood circulation and driving higher volumes of healthy, filtered, and oxygen-rich blood to your muscles as they rebuild. This is what significantly reduces the time it takes you to recover and get back to training. Research also reveals multiple additional benefits. For example, dynamic compression mitigates stiffness, increases ROM (range of motion), helps prevent DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), reduces swelling and inflammation, facilitates greater protein absorption, and, over time, enhances muscle performance and longevity

  • Compression boots are hollow, fabric boots that cover the feet, lower legs, and thighs that contain multiple chambers. Each of these sleeves fills with air, one after the other, to compress, or squeeze, one section of the lower body at a time — starting at the feet and working up toward the hip.

  • Compression Boots can be used daily to support your recovery process. Most sessions are 30 minutes to support the reduction of pain and muscle soreness.

Functional Medicine

  • Functional medicine is a systems-oriented, patient-centered approach to healthcare that aims to identify and address the root causes of disease. Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses on treating symptoms within specific areas of the body, functional medicine seeks to understand and treat the underlying issues that affect the whole system. This approach emphasizes the unique genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that influence each individual's health. Here are key aspects of functional medicine:

    Holistic Approach

    Functional medicine views the body as an interconnected system, recognizing that a dysfunction in one part can affect the whole body. It seeks to restore health by balancing the body's natural systems.

    Root Cause Resolution

    Practitioners spend time with their patients, gathering detailed histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. The goal is to identify and address the root causes of illness rather than simply managing or masking symptoms.

    Personalized Care

    Functional medicine is highly personalized, tailoring treatments to the individual. This customization extends beyond just dealing with physical symptoms to include considerations of an individual’s emotional and mental health, lifestyle, and goals.

    Patient-Centered Care

    It empowers patients to take an active role in their health, emphasizing education and self-care. Patients and practitioners work together in a therapeutic partnership to address health issues from multiple angles.

    Use of Integrative Therapies

    Functional medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with alternative or integrative therapies, drawing on the best available evidence to support the patient's healing process. This might include nutritional interventions, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, modalities, detoxification programs, and targeted supplements or medications.

    Focus on Prevention

    By understanding a patient's susceptibility to disease, functional medicine aims to implement strategies that prevent illness before it occurs. This proactive approach promotes long-term wellness and vitality.

    Comprehensive Diagnostic Testing

    Functional medicine often utilizes advanced diagnostic testing to identify the root causes of health issues. This can include tests for nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, hormonal imbalances, and genetic markers.

    Multidisciplinary Team Approach

    Practitioners often collaborate with a team of healthcare providers across different specialties to offer comprehensive care. This team might include nutritionists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and mental health professionals, among others.

    Functional medicine is suitable for individuals dealing with chronic health conditions, those seeking to optimize their health, and anyone interested in a more personalized and proactive approach to their healthcare. By focusing on the individual rather than the disease, functional medicine aims to promote optimal wellness and improve the quality of life.

  • Meeting with a functional medicine practitioner at Desert Moon Wellness can be particularly beneficial for individuals who:

    1. Are Dealing with Chronic Conditions

    Those experiencing chronic diseases such as autoimmune disorders, digestive issues (IBS, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), hormonal imbalances, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more. Functional medicine seeks to identify the root causes of these conditions, offering personalized treatment plans.

    2. Seek a Holistic Approach to Health

    Individuals interested in a comprehensive approach that considers the whole person, including body, mind, and spirit, rather than focusing solely on isolated symptoms.

    3. Have Complex Health Issues

    People with multifaceted health issues that have not been resolved through conventional medical treatments and are looking for an integrative approach that combines conventional and alternative therapies.

    4. Are Interested in Preventative Healthcare

    Those who wish to take a proactive stance on their health, aiming to prevent diseases based on their health history, genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors, and environmental exposures.

    5. Want to Optimize Their Health and Wellness

    Individuals looking to enhance their overall well-being, increase energy levels, improve mental clarity, and achieve a better quality of life through optimized nutrition, lifestyle, and personalized healthcare strategies.

    6. Need Guidance on Nutrition and Lifestyle Changes

    People seeking expert advice on how to implement effective nutritional and lifestyle changes that can significantly impact their health outcomes, including diet modifications, exercise, stress management, and sleep hygiene.

    7. Have Unresolved Health Issues

    Those who have been through various medical tests and treatments but still have unresolved health issues or undiagnosed symptoms, seeking a different perspective and comprehensive evaluation.

    8. Prefer a Patient-Centered Care Model

    Individuals who desire a more collaborative relationship with their healthcare provider, where they are actively involved in the decision-making process and their treatment is tailored to their unique needs and goals.

    How to Proceed

    If you or someone you know fits into any of these categories, considering a consultation with a functional medicine practitioner at Desert Moon Wellness could be a valuable step towards achieving better health and wellness. The initial consultation typically involves a detailed assessment of your medical history, lifestyle, diet, and any current health concerns, laying the groundwork for a personalized treatment plan aimed at addressing the root causes of health issues and promoting optimal health.

  • The three main functional medicine tests we use at Desert Moon Wellness:

    Adrenal Function:

    This is a salivary test to measure the functioning of your adrenal glands. It measures the levels of cortisol and DHEA hormones over the course of a day. Results from this test tell us how well your body is managing stress.

    GI MAP:

    This is the first comprehensive stool test to use DNA-based technology to evaluate GI pathogens, parasites, dysbiotic bacteria, fungi and more. The results from this test help determine the underlying causes of a person’s symptoms.

    The NutrEval:

    This is both a blood and urine profile that evaluates over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body’s need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support and other select nutrients. The results give an assessment in the areas of methylation, toxic exposure, mitochondrial dysfunction, fatty acid imbalances, and oxidative stress.

    Results are provided for each person and a personalized treatment plan is provided which includes life style change recommendations, and specific supplement and dosage recommendations.